recruitment advice

Speeding up the recruitment process must therefore be an HR priority. Here are 10 tips to achieve this.

How to speed up the recruitment process

Recruiting takes time when you haven’t clearly defined your expectations. You must provide a relevant job description, as accurate as possible, to avoid irrelevant applications. This avoids wasting time evaluating profiles that will ultimately not coincide with the needs of the company.

It is also necessary to draw up the profile of your ideal candidate, the personae of the recruitment, and prioritize the selection criteria. Finally, a clear definition of the position and profile will give you a first clue about the niche in which your sourcing will have a better chance of succeeding.

1. Identify blocking points

It’s worth analyzing your current hiring process to understand why you’re having trouble recruiting certain roles. For example, there may be a long wait between interviews or a lack of information with candidates. When they accumulate, its small shortcomings hinder the fluidity of your recruitment. So, dissect your recruitment process to better improve it.

2. Choose the co-optation method

The referral or co-optation system is often much more efficient and faster than any other recruitment system. Indeed, it is done through the intermediation of a person whom both parties (the company and the potential candidate) trust.

The one who recommends will not want to risk advising a bad profile and the one who is recommended, will not want to live up to his recommendation. The turnover rate, which doubles the recruitment time, is then very low. In addition, the co-optation system makes it possible not to go through all the long stages of recruitment: sourcing, selection, interviews of several candidates.

3. Grow your social media presence

Through their communication on social media, organizations can hire the right people in the right positions. For example, a presence on platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram coupled with relevant job promotion actions on all these channels, helps attract potential candidates.

Showcase your company’s strengths on your preferred networks and monitor performance with key metrics. These will allow you to determine what works and what doesn’t to improve candidate engagement.

4. Minimize steps

In the field of recruitment, the “less is more” rule is also recommended. Thus, define well before recruitment, the stages through which candidates will have to pass. By the way, keep them informed of the different steps. Do not multiply tests and interviews, because if you are not convinced, it is often because it is not the right person.

In addition, only 48% of candidates are willing to attend a second interview. If you create a third, you are more likely to discourage and tarnish your image than to make a quality recruitment. Have an evaluation grid available according to the criteria you have prioritized and stick to this grid.

5. Write compelling content

Contact the hiring manager to understand the essential requirements of the position, experience, qualifications and benefits.

6. Include artificial intelligence (AI) in your recruitment process

New technology reduces delays in many areas, including recruitment. Include Artificial Intelligence (AI) in your recruitment system to speed up the process, especially at the screening level. In addition, AI is an excellent alternative in this period of health crisis, which limits the possibility of human contact and face-to-face evaluation.

Large companies such as L’Oréal or Amazon are already getting started. AI can be used to identify keywords in CVs and cover letters, to analyze language and vocabularies. She can help in a video interview to decode non-verbal language. It is also integrated into many ATS (ApplicantTracking System) democratized today.

7. Propose a co-optation system

Give your hiring process a positive boost with employee referrals. By asking your employees for candidate recommendations, you get an additional (and indispensable) tool for recruiting hard-to-fill positions. Thus, integrate co-optation campaigns into your hiring strategy and maintain trusting relationships with your employees.

By making your employees true recruitment partners, you can quickly expand your teams and attract qualified and motivated professionals. But it is also an economic tool. Imagine not having to rely on external recruiters to find the right person for a job! Wonderful, right?

8. Secure engagement in the recruitment process

One of the factors that lengthens the duration of a recruitment is the loss of a good candidate along the way. The profile is lost because of a bad candidate experience and your image suffers the consequences. There is also the risk of resignation in the first months of work and thus, a particularly high turnover.

Therefore, one of the tricks to speed up the recruitment process also lies in securing the candidate’s commitment: listening to the candidate’s expectations to improve his experience, regular and effective communication with the candidate and quality onboarding.

9. Take advantage of internal mobility

When recruitment doesn’t work, sometimes it’s beneficial to pull the brakes. Indeed, your candidate may already be within your organization.

Through internal hiring, you find resources who already know your company culture and the processes used.

Training and upgrading the skills of existing employees and preparing them to move up the ladder through another role is also effective in ensuring talent succession.

10. Get help from professionals

Finally, using recruitment professionals also speeds up the process. Not only do they have access to a larger pool of talent in the target field, but they also have all the tools to recruit well and quickly.

Carreer Tips : Set yourself a clearly defined career goal.

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